Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Warning--fatherly bragging ahead: Last night, Max counted to 100 with almost no help! Not bad for 3.17-year old!
Two nights ago, Max started to tell me something about his trains. He began by saying, "You know daddy, the funny thing about these trains is..."
It's hilarious to hear such adult-sounding things coming out of such a little person. [12:29 | Link]
Friday, August 25, 2006
On ask.metafilter.com, a user asks: "In the U.S., why does a family need two incomes to live at a standard that was previously attainable by one?" Here is my answer. [09:28 | Link]
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Esmé and Max.
[12:44 | Link]
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I'll be the first to admit that, generally speaking, I'm a Google-phile and have strong anti-Yahoo tendencies. However, I cannot deny that Yahoo Maps Beta is much, much better than Google Maps. [10:00 | Link]
Friday, August 11, 2006
Comment on LH: Disorganization. [09:31 | Link]
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 3, KING CLAUDIUS:
"My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent;
And, like a man to double business bound,
I stand in pause where I shall first begin,
And both neglect. ..."
For some reason this has stayed with me since the first time I read Hamlet in high school. It's taken out of context here, but on it's own this quote has always reminded me to avoid the trap of worrying so much about stuff that I just sit there and worry more (and do nothing about my situation). In other words: take action.
(Original Lifehacker post here.) [09:16 | Link]
Saturday, August 05, 2006
On Lifehacker, a question: "What's easier when you're young?"
My answer:
Seems like this question is more about "life committments" than age. Other than the limitations of our physical bodies that seem to increase with age, life's primary constraint becomes available time. Someone who's 20, 30 or 40 with no kids, spouse, mortgage, etc. is likely to have an equivalent ability to do anything they want--in fact the older individual in this example would be better able to do "anything" due to their assumed superior financial situation, ceteris paribus.
There seems to be a strong correlation between getting older and committments to things other than the self (kids, spouse, jobs, etc.). And so we create our own framework that becomes difficult to break from without careful planning.
As for me, at 33, everything in life seems easier, not harder, than when I was 13, 18, 23, even 28. I feel more confident that I've ever been, more sure about "the way the world works", etc. The only challenge is finding the time to do all the great things there are to do out there, because I have a wife and two kids. However, as I've learned, many of the best, sweetest things in life involve those very people that "take" so much of my time. So, yes, it's more difficult to do the 2-month road trip around the country (which I did with a buddy when I was 23), but I don't really care because I'm enjoying everything else so much.
The old cliche is, "If I only knew then what I know now..." Funny how true it is. A 23-year old who's wise enough to truly listen to the advice of a 33, 43, 53, 63, 73, 83, 93-year old will certainly get a jump on getting the most out of this rich life. [09:03 | Link]
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