updated 7/5/2008
Hi, I'm Jason. My full name is Jason Robert Carroll.
"Robert" is after my grandfather,
who I'm proud to have as part of my name.
JCarroll.net is my hiding place in plain sight. This
site is
primarily a way to remember myself--to always remain cognizant of
selected events and ideas I hold dear. It is by no means comprehensive;
in fact I would say that about 90% of my life goes undocumented.
Nonetheless, there is much more information about me here than will
likely interest you, so please, feel free to ignore. If you see some
common threads, it's because the things in which I am generally
interested lie somewhere inside this mess:
- The beauty of the world--order within chaos; the
relationships between the physical world, society, culture and human
theoretical constructs (for example: love, economics, god, beauty,
Social justice, human compassion, equity;
- Enterprise;
- Simplicity;
Meaningful discourse and critical thought;
- Randomness;
- Constant exploration, creative process, design--and
in particular a love for geometry;
Stewardship of the natural and built environments, place-making;
- A strong disdain for the apparent fickleness and
materiality bolstered by 21st Century popular culture;
- And playing, which is most important of all.
Equal? No. Certainly not in order. Enough to make me perpetually unable
to rest.
snapshot of my current state of affairs might go like this: Madly in
love with my wife Rose and our two little offspring, Max (5) &
(2), who refer to themselves as "kitty cat" and "bunny" respectively.
Wow, four of us now, only used to be two--but now the four feels the
same as the two--what a thought that is! I feel like I'm swimming in
the deep water that is being together as a family, playing,
discovering, hanging out, growing, laughing, getting angry sometimes.
Max is beautifully intense. Esmé is a delicious sweetheart. I'm still
dumbfounded them both every day--the things they do, their emerging
personalities, their little (rapidly) growing bodies. The world is new
to them…there could be no better way to exist. The lack of social
context, bias and prejudice, the ability to see things without
preconceived notions of what they are--what a wonderful gift young
humans are given! The struggle to hold on to this purity of thought
should be a lifelong goal.
I give most of my mental and emotional energy to my family, as it
should be. This leads to my next thought: the struggle of pushing
forward with personal goals, personal and professional interests while
keeping family first priority. It's difficult, perhaps doubly so for
Rose, who stays at home with the kids. For me, the only part of the
personal-family-professional balancing act that is not difficult is the
act of being a provider. Something instinctual drivers a person to work
hard, protect and provide for a family. Doing this while still living a
self-actualized life (i.e., pursuing and achieving personal goals) is
the true challenge. Of course now many of my personal goals now
specifically relate to my children and my wife--all of us as a
family--so that does make it somewhat easier.
Professionally, I was trained as an architect, and practiced for a bit
over four years before returning to business school. After an intense
two years of study, I began managing projects for a national real
estate developer. The next thing I knew I was recruited by a private
real estate firm to run
their acquisitions business. So I've evolved from a designer to a
capital transactions professional--quite different from the path I
would have expected had you discussed the matter with me in 1996.
Through it all, I still consider myself an architect-at-heart,
particularly when considering the way I solve problems
(a synthesis approach involving visual thinking). My personal definition of what it means to be an
architect constantly evolves; the term has a much broader meaning for
me, perhaps, than for some.
part of me, and a part of Rose, our
souls together, will always walk along Via del Corso in Florence.
I am an espresso fanatic;
I can pull a mean shot and make a near-perfect latte. Other
diversions I enjoy include photography, roadtrippin' (a very important
part of my life with Rose), collecting and appreciating fine art by
lesser-known artists, computers and technology (and gadgetry!),
reading, sculpture (though not for years now), and filling my
sketchbook with seemingly random images and words.
(Later, I go back and try to comprehend what, if anything, those images
and words mean.)
I was born four years prior to the official introduction of the Atari
2600. I spend a lot of time remembering my glory days in the video
arcades of the early Eighties. I still play a lot of video games (if I
can keep myself awake after reading the kids to sleep).
I am a tweaker.
I believe very strongly in Living
Below Your Means, and I tend to have a Millionaire Next Door attitude toward wealth-building.
I have a strong tendency to take the long way home. The shortest
distance between two points is usually of little interest to me.
If I see you staring up at skyscrapers in a city, I'll think well of
you. If you still stare at them after living in that city for five
years, then I'll know you are a person whose eyes are not closed.
Psychological Type, based on the theories of Carl
Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers; My type: iNTj (alt.);
Rose's Type: eNFp (alt.).
Max & Esmé...? ***
The following is a list of some formative
events in my life: Year
0: Born (March 1, 1973). Years
1-6: When I think about the incredible joy and richness of experience
my children give me at these ages, I find it amazing that I don't
remember more about my own life in these formative years. I guess
that's what photographs are for... Year 7: I didn't win the remote-controlled car race in my second grade class... When
I was 8, I cut a large hole in a wall in my house
because I wanted to understand what was inside. (For some reason, I
also thought that the switch-track piece to my model railroad set was
lost in there.) I was so proud of this hole that my father could not
bring himself to punish me for the property damage. This set within me
the mindset that "it's okay to cut large holes in things," a theory
that I still hold to today. When
I was 9, I discovered video games. Bliss!
When I was 11, it was 1984. This was a particularly
good year for me. I was in fifth grade. I wrote my first
computer program on an Apple IIe. Epiphany! My teacher was Ms.
McKleveen. She was an airplane pilot, knew a lot about computers and
read "A Wrinkle in Time" to us. Mighty Orbots, the best cartoon ever,
was on ABC Saturday mornings. I made every effort to spend as much time
as possible in the arcades. That year, I had two very good friends:
Patrick Hancy and David Butler. Between
the ages of 12 and 14, my parents cut my hair,
rather than letting a barber or "stylist" do it (seemed like a good
idea at the time) and I didn't pay any attention to the clothes I wore.
This did not bode well for my popularity ranking in junior high school.
I didn't realize that being popular was something to which I should pay
attention--I was too busy having fun with my Commodre 64. Late bloomer
I guess. When
I was 15, my parents left a Baptist church that was full of hypocrisy
and gossip. This permanently rooted my respect for my
parents, and encouraged me to continue down the path toward free
thought. When
I was 16, I got a cool haircut and started paying
attention to the clothes I wore. As a result, I became "popular" my
sophomore year in high school. I ditched the friends with whom I used
to play video games, write computer programs and enter math
competitions and concentrated on being part of the desirable social
crowd. By
age 17, my junior year of high school, I realized what a mistake I had
made by wanting to be popular. I was popular, but I hated all
those shallow people. I hated the fact that they weren't
passionate about anything. However, the friends I had abandoned the
previous year were no longer accessible to me. I couldn't go back, and
I didn't want to stay where I was. So I started over, and let my
friends, interests and passions grow again--this time organically,
naturally, from scratch. I have generally been happy most of the time
since then. Between
the ages of late 15 and early 18 I spent a lot of time in the Art
Room at my high school. This was my salvation, in so many
ways. You see, my high school had quite a fundamentalist, strict,
religious atmosphere--needless to say it didn't have a natural tendency
to foster creativity and free thought. The Art Room was a sanctuary,
guarded by the wise Mrs. Olsen, where the misunderstood could find
solace and feel free to create and think.
During this time I exchanged my interest in physics for an interest in
art. At
19, I entered architecture school with a cocky
attitude and a sense that I could do anything. I was quickly put in my
place by people who were much more talented than I. Once I calmed down,
I realized that I was in the right place. When
I was 21 I went to Europe. I lived in Florence, Italy
for half a year in a little apartment on Borgo Degli Albizi--right next
to the Jolly Cafe (now something else) and just one minute's walk from the Duomo. It gave me
a sense of perspective that was frightening to me at the time. When
I was 22, the summer before my fourth year of college, I visited an
anti-Wal*Mart booth at a local fair. There I was first introduced to
the ubiquitous use of underhanded tactics by corporate
entities. My girlfriend at the time was with me--she didn't
understand what the big deal was. Hmph. Not long after this event, I
became aware of Michael Moore, Ralph Nader, Utne Reader, Adbusters,
Mother Jones and a slew of other independent minds and institutions for
the very first time (what took me so long?). Also
in year 22: My first website: “Third Floor
Isolation and Retainment.” My
23rd year was the last year of the five-year architecture program at
Kent State University. I had truly amazing teachers
that year: Michael Robinson from Harvard, Jeanine Centuori from
Cranbrook, and Russell Rock, who defies association. This was the year
we rebelled against the graduate school (writing manifestos and all),
took an emotional trip to Chicago, trekked through the “worst”
neighborhoods of Cleveland, and truly learned what community
was. I learned from these people, especially Michael, that you can
accomplish anything if you are willing to work until you
bring down the gates of hell. When
I was 24, I met Rose. My life changed again. Two
weeks after meeting, as we stood in the middle of the oval at the
abandoned reservoir, we both knew that our souls had become permanently
connected. At
age 25, with the help and encouragement of Rose, I started Opensewer.
During this time I was working for the best architecture firm in
Cleveland, Ohio: van Dijk Pace Westlake (now Westlake Reed Leskosky). At
26, Rose and I eloped and went home to Italy once
again. Up to that point in my life, this was the most wonderful thing
that had happened to me. We had to come back to America…but I think in
our heads and hearts we're still gone. At
27, I quit my job (as did Rose) and we moved to Ithaca so that I could
pursue graduate studies at Cornell University. Revised annual salary:
$0. Lifestyle: completely submerged in school. It
was more work than I bargained for, but wonderful in so many ways.
Age 28: This year, while at Cornell, there was a
fair amount of reconciliation between my past and
what I perceived to be my future. This had a lot to do with a clash
between artistry and economics, and it was quite messy. This year, my
relationship with my wife deepened in wonderful ways.
Age 29: This was one of the most exciting yet...a
little one on the way...we made it through graduate school, emerging as
a stronger couple than ever...I got a great job...hmmm, and we moved
back to Cleveland. We'll have to see how this turns out.
Age 30: The move back to Cleveland from New York,
the new job, being close to family again (for better and for worse),
MAX!, the new house...
Age 31 (2004): I love my boy, I love my wife, I
love my job. Now let's pay off those student loans.
Age 32
(2005): Recruited to a new job…that came out of nowhere! A
beautiful trip to Firenze with Max and Rose. A Christmas in New York to
remember. The Opensewer closes.
Age 33 (2006): Esmé is born! Two years and counting
at a job without quitting…a first! Age
34 (2007): Amazed by how beautiful children make life. Can I stay awake
past 9:00 PM after reading to the kids? Learning what it means to be a
principal investor. Difficult negotiations lead to "flow". A good
ending. Age 35 (2008): A rough start... (in progress) I
wish I could destroy greed, heartlessness, hate, and ignorance in the
because it's fun, some lists. First, we'll start with books
and other works of literature. These works changed my world-view so
significantly that I was not the same person after reading them (sorted
by alpha, not importance):
George Orwell A Clean, Well-Lighted Place, Ernest Hemingway
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll The Death And
Life of Great American Cities, Jane Jacobs Dune, Frank Herbert Flow, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Hamlet, Shakespeare The Hero With A Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell The Hitchhiker's
Guide to The Galaxy, Douglas Adams Invisible Cities, Italo
Calvino The Necessity for Ruins, J. B. Jackson
Neuromancer & Pattern Recognition, William Gibson On
The Road, Jack Kerouac Poetry, Language, Thought (Esp. Chap.
IV), Martin Heidegger Siddhartha, Herman Hesse
To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee The Trial, Franz Kafka
Visual Explanations, Edward Tufte Walden, Henry David Thoreau
The Web of Life, Fritjof Capra Where The Wild Things Are,
Maurice Sendak
here is a list of places I've lived and visited,
because where you've been makes you who you are. For those I've
visited, I did not count airport layovers, drive-bys or drive-throughs.
A meaningful visit of at least one night was required.
I've lived, in order:
- North Ridgeville, Ohio (until age 1)
- Columbia Station, Ohio (until age 16)
- Lagrange, Ohio (until age 18)
- Kent, Ohio (until age 20)
- Florence,
Italy (until age 21)
- Cleveland,
Ohio (until age 27)
- Ithaca,
New York (until age 29)
- Cleveland,
Ohio (until age 30)
- Shaker
Heights, Ohio (Current)
(mostly major cities) I've meaningfully visited (airport layovers and
drive-throughs are not counted):
Phoenix, Scottsdale, Flagstaff, Sedona Arkansas: West Memphis
(lots of truckstops) California: San Francisco, San Diego,
Los Angeles, Orange County, most of the coast Colorado:
Denver, Boulder, Eldorado Springs Florida: Orlando,
Jacksonville Georgia: Atlanta, Gainesville Hawaii:
Honolulu (and most of Oahu) Illinois: Chicago, Rockford
Indiana: Indianapolis, Muncie, Fort Wayne Kansas: Kansas City
Kentucky: Lexington, Louisville Maine: Portland, Bar Harbor,
and points in between Maryland: Baltimore
Massachusetts: Boston Michigan: Detroit, Ann Arbor
Minnesota: Minneapolis/St. Paul Missouri: St. Louis, Branson,
Kansas City Montana: Missoula Nebraska: Omaha,
Lincoln Nevada: Las Vegas New Mexico: Albuquerque,
Chloride, Truth or Consequences New York: New York, Ithaca*,
Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Corning, Cooperstown, Jamestown,
Binghamton, Woodstock New Jersey: New York metro
Ohio: Cleveland*, Columbus, Toledo, Akron, Canton, Youngstown, Dayton,
Cinncinati, most of the state Oklahoma: Oklahoma City
Oregon: Portland Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Erie
Tennessee: Nashville, Memphis, Chattanooga Virginia: Richmond
Washington, D.C. Washington: Seattle West Virginia:
Wheeling Wisonsin: Milwaukee
Austria: Vienna Belgium: Brussels, Brugge Canada:
Montreal, Toronto, Niagra Falls (if that really qualifies as abroad!)
Czech Republic: Prague France: Paris Germany: Berlin
Hungary: Budapest Italy: Firenze*, Lucca, Perugia, Roma,
Venezia, Milano, Genova, Napoli, Capri, Siena, Amalfi, Pisa
Spain: Madrid, Seville, Barcelona Switzerland: Ticino (Vico
here is a list of films that have resonated with me
over the years:
Short List:
- Terry Gilliam's Brazil
- Because it portrays dreamer-as-protagonist, confused by a mindless
and bureaucratic society.
- David
Byrne's True Stories - Because it
speaks to many things on many levels, all of which are important to me.
And because it does so while having fun.
- Tom
Tykwer's Run Lola Run - Because I
am a friend of chaos, and chaos runs the clock of the world.
- The Cohen Brothers' The
Big Lebowski - Because for every time and place,
well, there's someone who just fits right in to that time and place.
Rest That Are Near And Dear: A
Boy and His Dog A Christmas Story A Clockwork Orange
A Mighty Wind
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen Akira Alice In
Wonderland (Disney) American Beauty American Dream
Being John Malkovich Best in Show Big Trouble in
Little China Blade Runner Bowling for Columbine
Box of Moon Light Chasing Amy Chinatown
City of Women (La Cittá delle Donne) Clerks The
Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover Crouching
Tiger Hidden Dragon Crumb Down by Law Dr.
Strangelove Dune (Lynch) Edward Scissorhands
8˝ Women Election Fahrenheit 451 Fargo
Fast, Cheap & Out of Control The Fisher King
Heavenly Creatures The House of Yes The Ice Storm
Logan's Run The Man Who Feel to Earth Magnolia
Mary Poppins Memento Metropolis (Fritz Lang)
Metropolis (Rin/Ôtomo) Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
Mulholland Dr. Network 1999 Madeline Paprika Pee-Wee's
Big Adventure Persona Pi The Pillow Book
The Princess Bride Princess Mononoke Ran
Rear Window Roger and Me Rope Rushmore
Slacker Soylent Green The Spanish Prisoner
Spirited Away Spring Forward Star Wars
The Sweet Hereafter This is Spinal Tap THX 1138
Trainspotting The Tune (Plympton) Vertigo
Waiting for Guffman Waking Life Willy Wonka and the
Chocolate Factory
Here is a set of concepts that inform
the way I think about the world. I also have a few thoughts on what it means to
be human.
-- Jason Robert Carroll
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